
Wacky Wednesday on a cold Wisconsin Day

It's Wednesday and only one and a half days till the start of spring break! I cannto wait for the time off...sheez. I only hope that the weather turns sunny for the upcoming week because I wanna bike all over the place! WHY? Because I can.

Ummm...okay...I am having a David Caruso day...ummm....YUM! I need my CSI fix! Where is my CSI DVD?! Netflix has gotten slow in thier delievery....grrrrrrrrr. I've seen earlier photos of this man and I gotta say...I is much more attracted to the older photos than the younger ones. AHHhhh , mature and dignified....THAT is what I am missing in my life. Sheez.

I dunno what is up with my Kiwi spinning wheel. It's gor a mysterious thunkita-thunk that I cannot seem to fix and it is driving me mad! I've had it under a year so maybe I can still get some parts under warrenty. I'd really like to have a Louet s10 double treddle, but since I bought myself a bike instead, that will have to wait a while.


Until next time...


  1. I like him too. I stopped watching NYPD Blue when he was no longer part of the cast...

  2. I never cared for NYPD Blue and I never knew he was on it till now! LOL


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