
Owe, owe, owe-owe-owe....

OH man...stick me with a fork already! Yesterday's basic karate class left me stiff and sore in my arms and upper back....owe...

How? Can you say "100 Push-ups"?? I did closer to 80 or so because I experienced muscle failure...where the muscle will not function anymore. Owe. So knitting is painful today...so is typing...owe. Basically everything I do I feel the soreness in my upper arms and shoulders...owe...

I am debating going to practice tonight. Tonight is the BBT class (black belt team) and I am sure they will work us harshly! We are supposed to learn some new thing called Journey that I wish we would get to learning it already. It's more than just a new move, it is a series of moves. So I guess I better go in case they teach it tonight...knowing my luck...HA!

I finished up a few dyeing tutorial videos and they should appear on here shortly. When I do more dyeings I will record them and will make a third video when I have enough.

Until next time...

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