
Watercolor Journal update #2

It's taken me 20 minutes to get this post up because Internet EXPLODER won't let me rearrange the photo's I uploaded without closing the entire browser window. ARRRRggggga! So I am using Google's Chrome which is still primitive compared to IE...but at least it doesn't explode one me.

Here a photo of my hand made headband because no one in town sells them. It is basically a cord (you can also use twine) glued between a fold of book binding fabric. The purpose of the headband is to hide the ends of the signatures. It's an aesthetic thing.

Here is the front of my watercolor journal made with rubber stamps...a hobby I took up long ago, got bored of, but kept all me stamps. I'mma multi-media type of gal. LOL It still needs a protective glaze. It's lookin more & more like a book! I just need to add the decorative end pages & it will be done. It does not lay flat like I wanted it too, so I will have to tote along some rubber bands to keep the pages down, damned it. All that work, & hammering, for nothin.  I still like it & will use it.

More photo's to come!

Until next time...

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  1. Your journal is coming out awesome! You could always add a nice button to the front and a ribbon or elastic loop to the back to keep it closed. Can't wait to see the finished project!

  2. Hi there again Miukat!
    Yes, I do plan on using something to keep it closed, but it's keeping it open that's an issue as well. LOL My next journal will have an open binding for more flexibility.


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