
Handle Bar Bag in Action...New project (Another one?!)

Here are some pictures of the bag in action. It helped to transport a library object bag to the library this afternoon, and also held my cell phone. :P I have no idea why the second picture came out blurry...maybe because of the low batteries. I love those buttons! Now I need to doodle something in yarn on the front. Maybe I will needle felt me a tree for that blank front. HUmmmmm....

And now for the next project: Forest Canopy Shawl. I bought the pattern from the blog I'm Knitting as Fast as I Can . It's a nice "mindless" lace pattern with little to no fancy stuff...like the wing of the moth shawl. I have nothing against the wing of the moth shawl-BEAUTIFUL pattern...but I am ready for some mindless knitting that I can take along!!

Until next time...

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