
Blogathong Post #20 The "Broken" Crystal Ball

Sounds like the start of really cool fantasy book. The BF not too long ago purchased a 1 1/2 diameter quarts crystal ball from the local rock shop. He is making a HUGE copper wand and he wanted to solder copper wire around it. It's a really nifty project that you can see here on his flickr account. Anyhoo, he cracked the crystal ball with the heat from the torch and he seems to think it is broken now! How naive. He went and bought a yellow calcite ball to replace it and I just feel bad for the quartz ball. It feels sad to me. It needs a womyns TLC. SO he said I could have it till he needed it for something else. Poor crystal...it's been abandoned by the person who purchased it. First it was ripped from the earth from a large scale mining operation, this it was subjected grinding, polishing and shaping to get it into this form, and now it has been deemed "broken". I'd be sad too. So I have taken mercy upon the crystal and I shall give it the TLC it needs, crack or no crack....HA!

I took a nice cold shower, went outside and tended to the garden. I needed that...Thanks for the suggestion Maven! I then found a butt-load of green beans that needed pickin so now I have fresh from the garden, pesticide free, green beans to munch on. Yummy! Think I'll cook a few up in the skillet after a bit. Then when I brought the load in and I thought I got them all, I saw still more that I had missed! Sweet mama! It's the bean bumper-load of the season!!

Until next time...

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