
OMG! Award! I got a Karate Award!!!


I got an award from my Karate instructor Mr. Shaub at promotion today!! WOOOOOOoooooooo!

It was this moduels "Focus Award". The reason he chose me, he said, was because I came in to learn karate in the adult program without being connected to anyone who was already there as most of the other students have been. Most of the adults there had thier kids come in first and then when the adult program started, the parents joined. I came in without knowing anyone and I have trained steadily and hard. It had to take bravery to come in the first couple of times and now I have made new friends along with learning a life-long skill.

I'm thinkin, boy howdy! I was so nervous that first class. I did not know what to expect and my stomach was in knots all the way through the first week. I have really enjoyed karate and I am very greatful for that an adult program was started.

Ms. Brown, the secretary and also a student asked me afterwards if I was surprised. You betcha I was! She said she was so excited for me to get it because she had known about it before hand and it was hard not to say anything. LOL I kept thinking, oh .... this is going to one of the younger students because we had from 5-45 (maybe older) on the floor promoting at the same time. He said my name and I did a double take! Say what?! Really?! Sweetness!!

I have really been down this week with this cold and such OMG what a motivator this is. My first of many awards to come! I am gonna be smiling for a long time. Oh my, something just occured to me...I need to get a thank you card. Yep. Definately a thank you card.

NOw I just need to get my ass in gear and practice more on the bag here at home! I have slacked, mainly because of this danged cold but also because I have so many projects going. Come on self-decipline! You can do it! :)

Until next time...

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