
Winning Sponsor gets Ad space on this blog!!

Congratulations to Limeogood! Limeogood was the donated the largest sponsorship for my participation Blogathon! She wins Ad space on my blog and email for six months till Feburary 2008! Congrats Limeogood and I hope you will be able to sponsor me again in Blogathon 2008!!

Off the Beaten Path offered to match 9 $10 donations if I was able to get them, but the email did not reach me in time (darned email glitch!). So next year we will have more time to plan and patition for sponsors and I hope some of you readers out there will consider sponsoring me in Blogathon 2008!

Until next time...

***All content is Copyright year and date of posting, and are the sole property of C4G/CCW unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this website(text, photo's, etc)is strictly prohibited(linking to the post is OK).***

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