
Free digital vintage Tatting books and patterns

This is not a commercial. Seriously! This is a public announcement! LOL

I was looking at another tatting blog today and found a vintage book of tatting patterns that I would not mind having. Then I went to ebay. One seller was selling a digital collection of PUBLIC DOMAIN material. Can you say "Rip-Off"?? If it is public domain it is free to the public.

I am not sure how I found this site, but I love it. It is a public digital library collection of old vintage tatting pattern books whose copyrights have expired. Click on catalog on the right hand side to access what they have available. I have downloaded three complete books so far. They even have a yahoo group that you can join. They send out announcements when they add new books for downloading. I've already spotted several I am going to do & one that I am gonna modify into a pendent/pin to wear for St Patties day.

Don't get ripped off purchasing digital downloads of public domain material! Get it for free! Books and patterns that were published before 1923 are considered public domain now. Knowledge is power.

I really must stop looking online at tatting patterns and actually do some of them!! LMAO! Look at this pattern I found from the digitized book Corticelli Lessons in Tatting ! Who'da thunk!! I so want to do this! And there are also tatted baskets! BASKETS! OMG it is a treasure trove of digital goodness...13MB & 58 pages of digital goodness!! Oh dear...I really must stop drooling all over the keyboard...

I think I figured out my dilemma from yesterday on how to attach the long picot loop to the ring. I did two half hitches and then tatted the rest of the loop in under the knots. Then I decided to make a beaded picot to hang a charm from. It's almost done then I'll have a photo ready. Does this count towards the 25 motif count??

Oye, my back is still hurtin me today. I went and bought those stick on instant hot pads by Icy-Hot. It has helped in relaxing that area on my back...OOOO yeah that feels niiiiiiiiiiiice. Now I just have to find time to meditate and concentrate on healing that area so it gets better faster.

Until next time...

***All content is Copyright year and date of posting, and are the sole property of C4G/CCW unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this website(text, photo's, etc)is strictly prohibited(linking to the post is OK).***


  1. Anything you tat can count toward the challenge, whether it's snowflakes, bookmarks or doilies they are all acceptable.

  2. Thank you very much for your comment on my blog!
    All of those bagatelles in that post are my own patterns. My favourite is the medallion.
    By the way I find your blog very interesting (thank you for the tatting tutorials from YouTube!), I will browse it thoroughly!

  3. Hi, Thanks for your blog. Went to Antique patterns page - wow! Awesome! Amazing. Thanks again. Best wishes, Ria.


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