
Garden Plot - July 2011

Well ello thar! With the help of Googles nifty photo program, Picasa 3, I may just get back to blogging! This be my first garden plot at a local community garden. I've kind of abandoned my Flickr account. I've not had money to renew the subscription. I've done lots of painting, gotta get those uploaded as well, eventually. Pretty much abandoned knitting & spinning as well. That's how it goes with me. I learn a craft, get proficient in it, then move on to something new.

Upper left are the beans. I ran out of organic bean seeds & planted the rest of that area with beans I bought from a greenhouse locally. Those seeds did not germinate. I've replanted them 3 times & I am beginning to think the entire package of bean seeds are duds!

Lower Left: Broccoli surrounds tomato plants that were not planted. They were planted from whatever fruits dropped from the previous plot owners. I figured I just let them grow since they were clustered in the middle of the Broccoli. The Broccoli is FRACKIN HUGE!!! It's hard to tell in this photo, but they are GINORMOUS!! I hope I get huge heads of yumminess come fall.

Center: One lone pea plant survived the spring, bugs, & bunnies. And it's LOADED! YUMMY!

Right: Beef steak 'maters, 4 of them, getting bigger by the week & getting loaded with fruit.

Until next time...

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