
Facebook’s censorship of left must be fought

Facebook’s censorship of left must be fought

Published Jul 16, 2010 9:17 PM

The U.S.-based social-networking monolith Facebook has begun an all-out assault on its members, deleting three active groups that advocated for progressive and radical causes, permanently banning the accounts of four individuals who administered one group, and sending threatening messages to others.

The groups deleted include Boycott BP, a campaign against the Big Oil company responsible for one of history’s worst ecological disasters; the PFLP Solidarity Group, based in New Zealand with members around the globe, in support of the Palestinian resistance movement; and Free Ricardo Palmera, a group advocating support for a leftist Colombian guerrilla leader who is imprisoned in the U.S. in violation of international law.

Facebook is carrying out its censorship campaign against the left under cover of its

arbitrary “terms of service.”

Read more here: http://www.workers.org/2010/us/facebook_0722/

Join the protest on FB here: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=129314173775448

Until next time...

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