
Camping Sunset

On a recent camping trip, our state-park camp site was on a hill that gave us a perfectly framed sunset. Beautiful!

Until next time...

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1 comment:

  1. I am so glad I found you! You are one amazing lady! I have learned to try my hand at spinning, dyeing roving and yarn, tenuating silk hankies, and now using a drum carder because of you! I am adding a drum carder to my collection of 2 wheels and 5 drop spindles.My wheels are an Ashford Traditional (my first) and a Schacht Reeves 30" cherry Saxony. I'm a full-time sixth grade science teacher with 32 years of experience and will be retiring in 3 years, so I will have more time to hone my skills and pass on the crafting to future grandchildren. Thanks for your energy and humor while teaching so many to achieve so much. I admire your talent!


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