
Warm weather activites and saving birdlings

Well, warmer weather did finally arrive and with it came the flurry of activity that comes with it. I've been busy non stop with gardening, traveling to various events and....working in the garden. Yes, it's that much work this year. I'm planning on growing so much and I hope to donate some to the local pantry.

There has been little to no time for quilting.

Cement Babies
Yesterday I found three sparrow babies on the cement when I went to go get coffee. Thier nest was under attack by a Starling. There was no getting them back to the nest as it was too high up, not to mention destroyed. I picked the darlings up and kept them safe as I watched the angry Starling continue to rip the nest apart. One baby did not survive and looked to be pecked to death. These darlings weren't very cold when I picked them up so they hadn't been there for long at all. Leave it to me to find the baby birds in need. I packed them away, in the bus at the time, in a hankie. Went in to get my coffee, then headed out to the nearest open pet shop for some bird formula.

--Mind you, I raised baby parrots some years ago for a pet shop, so I know what I am doing. This is also not the first time I have raised wild birdlings, saving them from curtain death if left. --

All tucked away in the bus, safe and sound

Bought some formula, ran the babies home and set them up in their new nest and gave them a feeding before having to head out once again. RUN-RUN-RUN! That's been the theme for the last three weeks. With the sun and heat comes increased energy and a elongating to-do list.

I was really worried about one of them who had a HUGE bruise on it's back from either the fall from the nest or from the attacking bird. He was quite unresponsive for most of the day. I did have to pry his little beak open a couple times to get some formula into him to keep him hydrated and strong. As the day wore on he began to become more responsive at feeding time.

Since their eyes had not opened yet they fed quite readily from a syringe. Over the course of the day, their eyes opened! Now that's timing. Had their eyes been open they would not have been so willing to take food from another being.

Now they are getting wax worms and formula interchangeably and they are responding really well. They are chirping and moving about and oh so adorable! They have brought me some sorely needed joy into my life.

I've chosen to name the one with the bruise, Bruiser, upon a friends suggestion. Quite fitting!! He is the eldest of the three. One will be named JC, since I found them in the parking lot of one of my favorite coffee shops Java Cat. Haven't decided on a third name yet. In another weeks time it may be too hard to tell who is whom!! Right now I am thoroughly enjoying my surrogate mommy duties.

Updates to follow! Look for the label "sparrowlings" if you miss them.

Until next time...
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