
Summer! Sparrowlings! and Jobless blues

They babies have all left the nest. The youngest one I kept for about a week longer because she was such a weak flyer and was still a demanding little baby. Feed me! FEED ME!! Click through to youtube for the a larger, HD version.

They were coming back every day when I called for them. Since they grew up listening to Mieka, my cockatiel, they came at a whistle or two along with tinking the glass with the stick I was using to feed them the thicker forumla with.

But slowly, they started not showing up when called.

We had some hefty storms move through where three tornados touched down locally, thankfully none near me but there was plenty of wind damage around the village. One morning I got up as another line of strong storms started to make their way through and I checked the cage to see if anyone had come home to roost. Sure enough, the middle Sparrowling was huddled in a corner at the bottom of the cage, sopping wet. I rushed outside, closed the door and brought him in. He was not happy about it, but I just couldn't leave him outside in that weather since he had come home to safety. The night before the sirens went off twice, which is highly unusual. There was very little sleep that night as the wind was kickin something fierce and my apartment was making noises I had not heard before. Groaning and tinking and popping...I truly thought a 'nader was gonna plow through. And I was ready for it. All the animals were safely tucked away to the inner most corner of my place and I had hunkered down in the bathtub with a 5 gallon container of water, a sleeping bag and pillows. I was ready to have my domestic life torn apart and forced to start over. I have renters insurance, so while I laid in the bathtub and listened to the odd sounds coming from everywhere, I pondered about what I would do if I was forced to start over.

Luckily, no 'nader came through my area, just high powered winds that toppled a lot of trees. I put the cage back outside and opened up the door and out the Sparrowling flew. The youngest comes back now and again which is nice. I've had a lot more sparrows in my little area since raising these.

I've been forced to look for another job as the job I thought I was going to have with the company that won the school transportation contract, told me they could not give me a home vehicle. I don't have a reliable way into work, other than biking (and everyday is not going to be a nice day to bike), so if I can't have a home vehicle, then I can't work there. I don't even live ten minutes away. I could carpool with a friends hubby who lives in the same neighborhood as me, but what would I do when the regular school year starts and I have to be there before 6am?

I'm miffed about it. I've done this job for 12 years, 3 of those years was with this very company who, last time, had no issues giving me a home vehicle. I have always had a home vehicle because I have no vehicle of my own. So they have absolutely no concerns about their employees...only the bottom line. That's okay. I didn't want to work for them anyways as my last experience with them was not a good one. I was not happy working there and it was the longest three years ever. I kind of had a feeling things were not going to work in my favor.

 So I've looked into mail delivery and hooking up with the city public transportation, which unfortunately is not hiring right now. Of course not. I do have a phone interview in a couple of weeks for the mail delivery position. There is a Jobride service here that I could use to get to either of those jobs until I can afford a car, but it would cost me around $80 a month. Great, another bill to cover. But if I can get a good paying transportation job, because it's what I know and what I do, then I would be able to afford a car eventually. I would hope.

In the mean time, I am unemployed with lots of time on my hands. I've caught up on the housework, sleep and now I am starting to get busy with quilting. I have unemployment insurance to keep me afloat and Food Share (food stamps) to keep me fed in the meantime. It's not a glamorous way to live, as it's slim pickings all around, but I have plenty to keep me busy at home, and in the gardens. I have been going to the coffee house almost on a daily basis but this is not a sustainable habit on $300 a week. And here, for some god-forsaken reason, they keep the first check of the new year. Thanks so much cause that's NOT HELPFUL to the unemployed!! I am gonna have to borrow money to pay rent this month, just what I don't need right now.
Crazy Patchwork Card

I have considered selling some of my artistic creations. I made this card for my Mum the other day. I dunno if anyone would be interested in this. It's pretty darn easy to do, honestly. I wouldn't charge more than maybe $6 for it.

Well anyways, I'm working on finishing he denim quilt, which I have decided that quilting it as I go would not be such a bad idea.

And I have two jelly rolls that are very springy that I want to do something with. I've concidered the jelly roll race but that's so meh-meh to me. I have stumbled across several patterns that I really like, one from the Missouri Quilting company using the "tube" method.
Then there is this one, using a lot of HST's...

Can I do this with 2 1/2" jelly roll strips??

Then there is the "Windmills At Night" pattern that wouldn't really be at night because the JR is bright and springy.

I also have a Batik charm pack that I want to do a D9P with black sashing.

Inbetween quilting and gardening then there is camping with a dear friend of mine. We are doing some white watering in upper Wisconsin this weekend. I had already put money back for that, so at least that is covered. Then in a couple more weeks a trip to the Ren Fair in Illinois is planned, although I don't know how much money I will be able to take with me for that.

Wow this is turning into a long post!

I'll stop here and leave it for another day.


Until next time...
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