
Art Journal Tuesday

All this extra time...leads to creativity unleashed!

Journal Page: Seeing through the Chaos

Chaos is all I am seeing at the moment. I worry about how I will manage to pay all the bills that I have AND eat healthy. My dreams are cataclysmic and my days are spent keeping busy while waiting for calls from employers.

I was finally able to relax, let loose and splatter a journal page with color and feeling after trying most of the day with no success. I did three pages of ho-hum art journaling before this one popped out.

 Holy cow, was that fun to do!! I dug out unmounted rubber stamps that I haven't touched in many-many years. It was very therapeutic, and very releasing. I slept like a rock last night and then slept for a full 12 hours. Although my dreams were anything but pleasant. Another end-of-the-world dream with gravity shifts, rising seas, sea monsters that were on the hunt for humans, high wind/tornado terror, and a kindly old Irish man's junk store where we took refuge from it all. He had a little bit of everything, just like I do. His place was full of closets that led to more and more rooms full of treasures from the past and present. It really was an extrodinary dream, if not scary. I have these sort of dreams a lot. I worry about the state of our planet and how long it will be before a cataclysmic event alters our existence. Not that there is a damned thing I can do about it, but still I think about it often.

And I used ear drops this morning to try and relieve the excess wax problem I am having and they ended up getting stuck in the ear canal and now I have swimmers ear instead. Grrrrr!!! I hate using drops but I am desperate for relief from the excess wax problem. I am going to try ear candling next.

Tomorrow is wordless Wednesday and I have been itchin to get on the sewing machine. So we'll see what happens!
We are going to.....WHAT?!!!

My good friend took me water water rafting over the last weekend...and I did this....

LOL! But it was fun. The last waterfall is a big 12 foot drop...normally no big deal. We;ve had a lot of rain lately....so this time it was a BIG deal. Very scary drop and if I did this trip again, I would get out before the big drop. I am not a confident swimmer although I used to be once upon a time. You'd think with all the fat I have, that I would be able to bob like a bobber and not have a worry. LOL!!! No, not that simple.

I do have to say, I've lost quite a bit of weight from sticking to the Paleo "diet". I am wearing clothes I have had in storage because they have been too small. WEWT!! Go paleo!!

Until next time...
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