
Paddle Boarding Sunday!

My friend took me paddle boarding today and it was a ton of fun! This was one of the last photos she took before attempting to pass the phone to me to take her photo. She lost her balance and in the drink it went! It was in a water-tight case, but it sunk to the bottom of ten feet of water....a lost cause.

She was really upset about it (it was a practically new Galaxy S5) and so we left not soon after getting on the water. That kind of bummed me a bit but it was a lot of work the 20 or so minutes we were on the water. I felt really bad for her. She is so very accident prone, and this sort of thing happens to her all the time. Like a giant cosmic comedy that's not all that funny for her.

It's only $16 an hour to rent a paddle board, so we do plan on going back. It was a bit windy on the lake today so it was extra work to stay on course. My friend did successfully stand on her board, after taking a flying leap off it first. LOL!! I said, no, I'll stay down here on my knees where my center of gravity is lowest. HA!!  My legs and knees were pretty much jelly afterwards. She found coupons on groupon.com (not affiliated). She finds a lot of great deals on there.

It was a weekend of water fun. We went swimming yesterday at our favorite lake which is normally a very clean and clear piece of water. After the weird weather we've been having (cold, then hot, then unseasonably cold with LOTS of rain) there was a lot of algae in the water that smelled like black mold. I've got the starts of a sinus infection from that. It was a lot cooler yesterday as well.

I am so worn out!! Despite the sinking of the phone, it was a really fun weekend. We always have a lot of laughs when we are together. Later on she was able to simply laugh about the loss of the phone. She said "What good is it going to do me to stay upset about it? It won't bring it back. It was my own stupidity that caused the loss of the phone. If I had left it around my neck, I would still have it. It's replaceable."


Until next time...
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1 comment:

  1. The story made me smile in a kind way, understanding how such things happen just when you are having the best of times. Well, in some ways, we need those stories too. You look like you are having so much fun!


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