
IN the beginning....there were laxatives....oh crap...

In the beginning...

The handle bar bag begins!! I had to stop knitting because the rest of the yarn is drying. Although the next bit of spun yarn is quite a bit thicker than the first one so I will not be doubling it as I have done with the yarn used to knit this first bit. So far so good!

....there were laxatives...

The BF read something off the back of my chocolates I got today...
"Excessive consumption may have a laxative effect"....

...Oh crap...

I ate most of those chocolates today (so good!!)...so if I dissapear for a day or two...You. Will. Know. Why.


Until next time...


  1. Arent the Dove choccies good? Watch out tho seriously. Its the dreaded Maltitol in it that will sneak up on you when you least expect it. Among other things,,,but I wont post that sort of stuff here. LOL

  2. Oh god YES they ARE delicious...which is why concern popped up when we read the cunsumption warning! LMAO!! So far it has not had much effect so maybe what I ate wasn't in much excess. *crossing-fingers*


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