
Kitchen Misshaps....OH BOY....

Remember that pretty turquoise felted square??

Look at it now....

What happened?

I put it in the oven, after warming it up and turning it off, to "cure" so that the oils would seep into the wool.

Well the BF came home and decided to bake some pizza...turned on the oven to preheat...failed to check to make sure the oven was indeed void of any craft objects....10 minutes later....

Toast. Wool Toast.

As soon as I smelled it I yelled OH SHIT-there's something in the oven!!

Open the oven door and woof! Cloud of stinky smoke billowed out....One toasted wool square....commin right up! If it had been in the oven a minute longer I think it would have caught fire.

Here is me...great...I gotta knit another sample and felt it again....

Here is the BF...uhhh...whoops....did I do that?! Sure does stink....

The house smells like burnt plastic ware....yuck!! I've reminded him yet again to always check the oven to make sure there are no forgotten craft projects in the oven. No, this is not the first time this has happened.

LMAO! I laugh now but I was upset at first. It's okay now. I can knit another one and felt it-not the end of the world. I think of it as getting lots of felting experience. All in the day of a forgetful crafter.

Until next time...

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