
Ponderings of Wintery Months ahead

Now that we are over the hump of Summer Soltice (of which I did nothing special...I'm a bad witch, I am) it was a colder day today. Barely making it up into the 70's. Makes me kinda broody for wintery cold.

Several things I am gonna make in the commin months in prep for the cold.

Last winter was really cold and the hat I knit last year from my first spun yarn really didn't fit correctly...although it was superly warm. The yarn was overspun, tight, and a tad scratchy and it kept wanting to pop off my head kinda like a dandilion flower pops off if you thumb it just right. BWEEeee-plop! When I got my bike Spring 2007, the weather was on/off cold, and I could have used a nice warm scarf. I am actually thinking of knitting a double-wide thrummed scarf, then stitching the sides and ends together to enclose the thrums. That sounds cozier than cozy! Would make a damned warm blankie too! Another thing to add to the list of "Someday" knits. I bet Mum would love it I could only find a wool that she can tolerate. Note to self, get that damned Wing of the Moth scarf made out of the shetland for her to test on her skin!!!

I haven't knit in a while, but since I started dyeing and spinning more, now I am itchin to knit some. The cure for the knittin blah-blah's? Dyeing and spinning!

Until next time...

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  1. The music streamer didn't slow the load time at all. Totally cool music. I want to get that water affect with my yarn too but I think I'm going to dye the yarn instead of the roving. I have a tendency to draft kind of weird. You could also try dying different batches of solid colors and then blending them together with your cards. I just bought some roving that was done that way off ebay and it spins totally cool.

  2. O-O-O I wanna see!! Thanks for the idea!

  3. Why not use merino for your mom, instead of Shetland?

  4. OMG, Fiber Fanatic, that was a total duh moment for me. LMAO!!! I will have to do that! I need to make something out of shetland for her because that is what I always have on hand...I have a constant supply because there is this nice lady in Indiana I buy from who has supurb shetland for less than an arm and a leg per pound. Then she has her friend who travels a lot between Wisconsin and Indiana bring it back home to Wisconsin with her, and then there is no shipping costs. (!!!) PLUS, she lives about five minutes away from me! Is that not a match ment to be or what?!


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