
Pretty as a Peacock...I am in LOVE!

Take a look at this wonderful peice of lace work! This is the Pretty as a Peacock lace shawl created by Jae at Some Knitting Required. Click the blog link to be taken to her blog and read all about it. The Pattern is planned to be released for purchase on 10.15.07 on this page .

I plan on purchasing it when I get paid!

Here is her description of it from her Ravelry pages:

"This originated from a Focus On Lace class that I took at a LYS. The end project was to knit a lace shawl or better yet design our own. I took the class originally to gain confidence to knit the Fiddlestick's Peacock Feather Shawl. My teacher challenged me to knit a Peacock not just the feather.
I have received many requests to make the pattern available. So Ailsa from http://pick-up-sticks.blogspot.com/ is currently test knitting this for me using Louet Gem Opal fingering. If she doesn't tell me I write a crap pattern, it should be available soon. :)"

Until next time...

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  1. I'm glad that you like it!

  2. I'm glad you like it too. I loved knitting it.


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