

Made this handy dandy pumpkin pin cushion from the site Applique Today. It was super easy and quick to make. I have a bunch of dried stems outside waiting to be made into a fall wreath so I just grabbed one of them to make a stem in the middle. I stuffed it with some steel wool (000) so that the pins would be "sharpened" when pushed in. At least, that's the idea. I read that regular poly fill will actually DULL your pins.

I'll take TWO, please.

And this I saw at my local coffee shop. SO FUNNY!!

I'll leave you with a bit of colorful flammage from the last camping trip.

Not much more to say today. I'm tired and not much in a show and tell mood. Gotta get that blanket finished for the Baby Shower this Sunday. Pictures to come!

Stick a pin in it!

Until next time...

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  1. Love the pumpkin pin cushion! What a great idea!

  2. Found your blog!! I will be back as it is interesting. Please let me know your details for the pay it forward. Hear from you soon!


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