
This and That

Month #1 April

Went to the quilting shop called Petals and Patches Saturday for the first in a 13 month stretch BOM. My friend and I, Beckie, did them together over at her place while I did my laundry. She was so giddy about it and I helped her with tips and tricks I've learned along the way. It was quite fun to do! While I was there at the P&P, I bought a new seam ripper that has a rubber nub on the end for grabbing and removing those pesky threads after ripping out a seam. It's called Seam-Fix and costs around $7, but OH. MY. GODDESS!!! I LOVE IT! It's so much quicker than having to pick them out. The only thing I don't really like is that the lid comes off really easy and it ends up floating about. Gonna have to put something on it to make it more grippy so I don't go loosing the lid.

22734 Snow Friends by Debra Jordan Bryan

And of course while I was there at this new shop I HAD, no NEEDED, to look at the fabric selection. They have the biggest Batik selection I have ever seen in one store. From one end of the rainbow to the next! I also found this precut panel of "Snow Friends" by Debra Jordan Bryan which they also have design suggestions for on the same website here. I am totally doing the mantel and wall hanging later in the summer when all we are thinking about is the AC!

Found this wonderfully summer feeling "Spring Fling" wall quilt in a book called "The best wall quilts from McCall's Quilting". I had to return the book so I scanned in the pattern to work on at a later time.The book doesn't have very good reviews but I liked it. Guess it depends on your skill level and what you are expecting to find in the book.

Nothing but Snuggles

How cute is this? This is Beckie's sweet pup, a pit bull, Baby Grl...also known as Poopy, Doofy, and Dork. LOL! She is deaf and she is the sweetest thing. Pit bulls really do have a bad rep and even I was really wary of her until I realized what a sweetheart she is. She loves to snuggle against a human, any human will do. LOL

Oh so pretty!

Last but never least, found this AWESOME thread at Joanns when I visited Friday to get some tulle for the village. I ended up getting lavender tulle because you can bunch it up and it looks like wispy clouds. So cool. This thread is so very pretty....and so very expensive. Nine dollars. NINE. Luckily I had a coupon to use that brought it down to half. Jeepers.

Until next time...
***All content is Copyright year and date of posting, and are the sole property of C4G/CCW unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this website(text, photo's, etc)is strictly prohibited(linking to the post is OK).***


  1. Great post with a lot of good information.

  2. Your April block colors are my favorites! New seam ripper is something I could use. Love all your new treasures. My sister has a rescue Pit Bull and says he is a love. Creative Bliss...

  3. I have a couple of spools of that variegated thread that I've had for ages. I finally used one spool in quilting a butterfly quilt for my friend, Carol Sveilich (check out her books on Amazon.com). You can find photos of the quilt on my WordPress blog: tehachap.wordpress.com.


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