
March Blocks, first cabin block and SPRING!!!


YAY! March blocks have been swapped!

Bellezza sent me a Birthday cake in these wonderfully delightful colors!  This is my Bday Month. Actually, my Bday falls on a Saturday so some friends and I are gonna go hit the local bowling alley where they offer free alcomohol ON your Bday. So, some free beer and drunkin bowling are in order!

What I sent her was more of an experimental block for me. I wanted to do a crocus, but none of the patterns I was seeing was satisfying me.

This is where my sketch from another post comes in. I did realize most of the way through the thread painted leaves that I need to use some tear away stabilizer to prevent that nasty wrinkling that happens. I did use some when I stitched around the raw edges of the applique.

First of....40 something?!
And the first denim log cabin block is more of an experiment than anything. I'm gonna try one more thing before committing to a set. 

 And the two Spring Mug rugs I sent to Bellezza. I wanted to try some hexagon work so made one completely out of hexies. The other one has more of a "modern" feel. I did some fun quilting stitches on both.

 I'm feeling springy so the blog theme has changed. I've also been in a purging Spring cleaning mode the past week with the arrival of warmer temps. I've been cleaning out the closets and getting rid of crap I have been holding onto from a lifetime long ago. Such as a body pillow I brought with me from home over 13 years ago...I was hanging on to that little bit from home. Time to move on. Time to declutter and purge.

Until next time...
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